Let’s get Physical….

I am frequently asked how often adults should go to see their HCP.  Honestly, I will give you a a good rules that HCP’s usually go by, but it all depends upon your insurance coverage and how often they will cover it.  Also, it depends on your age and overall health status, so this is just a generic guide, and your specific HCP will tell you when to go back and follow-up.

Children to the age of 18:
yearly and for immunizations

Should get yearly OBGYN exams from the  time they are sexually active or starting at the age of 21 (whichever comes first).

Adults over the age of 18-39:
A complete physical every 3 years (a minimum of twice during your 20’s), also a yearly blood pressure screening is suggested, along with cholesterol levels checked every 2 years.  If you have a specific family history or risk of diseases, you should discuss with your HCP and you can both set up a plan for future visits.

Adults 40-65:
Every 2 years for physicals if there are no other medical issues.  ANd start colonoscopy screening at the age of 50 and every 3-5 years after that.
Men- over the age of 50 should get yearly rectal exams to assess risk of prostate cancer
Women- over the age of 40 should have yearly mammograms, unless you have a family history, and you may be required to start them earlier.

Adults 65+:
Yearly physicals at a minimum.

Again, if you have a chronic disease, you will obviously go to all of those MD appointments, but Women, specifically, must remember, that going to the OB/GYN for a yearly exam is NOT the same as getting a physical by your primary care provider (PCP) and it is very important for full body physicals.  Also, anything that you notice different, you should go see your PCP, even if it is sooner than the guidelines listed above.  It is a good idea to have a PCP and form a relationship, it will stave off trips to emergency/walk-in clinics, and you will get better care because they know your history and all about you.  Plus, early detection of disease is key, and if someone is following you over time, a trend might be noticed that you can prevent before getting sick!

I hope this helps!

Yours in Good Health

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