Are Pluggz the best flip flops?

There is a new brand of flip flop on the market that yogis and health fanatics alike are touting as the “best” flip flops, not only because the flips are supposed to let you “ground” (I’ll give you more scoop on that in a bit) but the company also gives back.  They donate to a bunch of non-profit organizations that are pro-earth, and pro-health; I can get behind that, but do the flip flips actually help you to be healthier?

What is grounding?

Grounding is the how you make an electrical connection in harmony with the electrical current of the earth.  WHAT?  Basically, it is the idea of rooting yourself to the earth.  It was once believed that the earth was neutrally charged, but apparently it is negatively charged, and humans, and all of the electronics we use, are positively charged.  So, by disconnecting from electronics, and basically standing with bare feet in grass (or on sand, etc.) you are becoming a neutral being.  You are grounding yourself with the earth, as a positive and negative charge equal each other out.  I know that some of you are reading this thinking that it is super hippie talk, but think abut it: we all live in insulated homes, we wear shoes and other forms of footwear, so we rarely connect with the earth, unless we take time out to actually connect.  Plus, we all are surrounded by so much electricity from phones, TVs, computers, etc. it is merely another way to disconnect form electronics, and reconnect with the earth and nature. The theory is that grounding and neutralizing the electromagnetic field around you, will promote health, decrease inflammation from chronic illness, and overall make you feel better.  If you are unhealthy or unwell when you first start grounding, you supposedly will feel tingling with the change in the electric pull around your body, and then the benefits will start becoming more apparent, as long as you ground for about 20 minutes a day.

Where do Pluggz come in to play?

Well, Pluggz are these flip flops that have a black plug that is made from a custom carbon and rubber compound that help to ensure electrical contact between the most weight bearing part of your feet and the earth.  They supposedly conduct a free flow of electrons front eh earth to our bodies and assisting with reducing that positive electron effect on our bodies.  People who wear pluggz report feeling more balanced, a sense of well-being, more energized, some are calmer, and fewer aches and pains.

What’s the rub?

There is no research to support Pluggz, but they are a new product, and there are tons of people that really support the use of pluggz and report feeling better and more grounded when wearing them.  There is also nothing saying that it is all crap either!  I am honestly very intrigued by this product and actually willing to give them a go, and see if I feel better?  Although, I must say, I am pretty healthy with no complains of daily aches and pains, but I am willing to do anything that will promote calmness, energy, and balance?!?  I am usually running round like a lunatic and tripping over myself! I’m kidding, but it would be interesting, because flip flops really have no support for your feet at all, and most ortho’s always tell people with back pain, joint pain, etc not to wear them because of the lack of support, but as one who fully supports barefoot running and strengthening your foot muscles, I feel like this is something I should try.

I wish I had an answer for you all whether they are worth the $39 and actually promote well being, and a feeling of health, but it is just such a new product that besides word of mouth, there is not a lot of “science” behind it, but I do like the fact that the company supports other healthy non-profits from shoe sales…..maybe I just like the idea?  Well, I think I will purchase a pair and let you know how grounded I feel, but until then, I will walk barefoot in grass and on the beach as often as possible, not so much to “ground” but just because it feels good and I love it!

Yours in Good Health


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