Get it ON!

I know that I have talked about basically every STD known to man, well get ready, because now I am telling you to be safe and go out and have some sex!  Sex is a healthy and necessary part of life, and it can effect us in so many different positive ways…again, as long as we are safe about it.

Why is sex necessary and healthy?
It is a stress reliever: can calm you down, get our aggression/stress from a tough day, which in turn lowers your blood pressure and heart rate, and one study showed that people having regular sex deal with stressful situations better and have less of a physical response to stress.

It Boosts your immune system: People who have sex once or twice a week have increased levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) which helps to protect your body from attacks by viruses like the common cold.

It is a good back up workout: You can burn around 170 calories per hour, and it is a great mood booster if you miss your workout, so burn some calories together and get some good cardiovascular exercise; one study showed a significant reduction in heart attacks in men that have sex one to two times a week.

Oxytocin does a body good: The oxytocin that is released post orgasm helps to elevate mood, decrease the sensation of pain, improves self image, and helps you sleep better!  I guess just like after having a hard workout you sleep well, after a good romp in the sack, similar hormones are released and help you to sleep well.

Can reduce the rate of prostate cancer:  There have been studies done to show that men in their 20’s that ejaculated 5 or more times a week decreased their risk by 1/3 and another showed that older men that ejaculated 21 times or more per months had much lower rates of prostate cancer than those that ejaculated 7 times or less.  Clearly, I am a woman, but that seems like a LOT and kind of tough numbers to hit but now you have a medical reason to tell your mate to get in the mood 😉

I think that these are some pretty good reasons to feel good about having sex with your partner, in a safe manner, and doing something good for your physical and mental health!  So, go show this to your partner and tell them it’s nurses orders to have sex at LEAST twice a week 😉

Yours in Good Health

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