Halotherapy: Is it worth it’s weight in salt?

There are halotherapy centers cropping up all over the US and EU. I had been asked about the effectiveness of these centers in casual conversation, had no idea what it was, and honestly never gave the topic a passing thought….until I passed one in a strip mall in Florida. The sign outside the center offered that it could fix just about every respiratory and skin ailment one could dream of having: asthma, headaches, allergies, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Flu, smokers cough, chronic bronchitis, psoriasis, eczema….and the list goes on! But does it work or is it just a trend?

What is halotherapy?

Halotherapy is a type of alternative therapy, in which you go into dry salt mines (or a replicated version of a dry salt mine from the EU) and breathe in the air around you which is a microclimate of a salt aerosol treatment. It is claimed that the created climate with the correct amount of humidity and salt in the air, can not only cleanse your respiratory tract but also your skin and help to basically detoxify you.

halotherapyDoes it work?

People with cystic fibrosis, who get significant build up of mucous in their lungs, do very well, when medically treated, with high salt concentration nebulizers. A nebulizer treatment is basically when you create an aerosol treatment out of oxygen flow and a treatment fluid of your choice, and for cystic fibrosis patients, some very strong studies have shown an improved lung function after these treatments….in hospitals.  Also, patients that are smokers, with smokers “coughs” have been found to have relief of their coughs, temporarily and a decrease in mucous production, with high salt aerosol treatments, in a hospital setting. Basically inhaling the high salt treatments, dries out your lungs and mucous production decreases.  It is probably a very similar experience to people who live in humid climates go to a desert or somewhere with minimal humidity; breathing feels SO much easier if you have a chronic lung disease (I have asthma and can speak from experience on this end!)

What’s the verdict?

Much like many new alternative treatments, halotherapy has not directly been studied, but because these treatments have been successful with certain subsets of patients, the assumption is that it will work on many more patients, diseases, disorders, etc. People who regularly go for halotherapy treatments seem to report feeling better and they obviously return for treatment.  And halotherapy centers like to point out that they are wellness centers aimed at helping people lead healthier lives, which I can totally be on board with, and if you are someone who has quit smoking but can’t get rid of that cough, or has some sort lung disease where you have an overproduction of mucous, it may be worth a shot.  That being said, you should see your HCP if you have symptoms (such as a chronic cough or mucous production that are not going away) because it may be something serious, but if you want to alleviate symptoms, at this point, I do not see it doing any harm….it just might not help you a whole lot and cost you a few $.  My biggest fear would be sick people coming into this humidified air to cure their bronchitis (or whatever issue they have) and spreading it to others, but you would have to check out the halotherapy center nearest you and see if you are solo in treatment or with others, and how they prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria in their microclimate.  Use your best judgement, and be sure to tell your HCP if you are using this alternative therapy….then maybe we can get some real research on it!

Yours in Good Health


April Squat Challenge: Transform your lower Abs and legs

I love that there are random exercise “challenges” that keep popping up monthly.  I’m not sure who creates them, but for people like me who are super competitive, even with myself, the April Squat Challenge is the perfect challenge! The goal is to take a picture of yourself before day 1 and then after Day 30 and see the results.  This is a very intense regimen, and if you have any sort of lower joint (hip, ankle, knee) problems, this may not be the challenge for you, and if at any point you feel pain (other than the pain of intense muscle-building), you should stop; it may be too intense for you. But there’s no one stopping you from creating your own personal challenge! If you have a partner to join in on the fun, then do it, because you both can make sure that you have proper posture AND it will keep you honest. Feel free to post before and after pics at the end of the month!

Day #1- April Squat Challenge

Day #1- April Squat Challenge

What is the Challenge?

Squats help to sculpt your lower abs, legs, gluteals (your butt), and they help to improve your muscle strength, your speed when walking running (your gluteals are key when you first start running- even when not up hills), and improve your self image: who doesn’t feel great when their legs and butt look amazing in these warmer weather months? *These are intended to be without weights, but if you are already a ‘squatter’ and you want to add some low weights (after checking with your HCP or after checking with a trainer to ensure it is safe for you- go for it!).

Day 1: 30 squats

Day 2: 40 squats

Day 3: 50 squats

Day 4: 60 squats

Day 5: 70 squats

Day 6: 80 squats


Day 8: 90 squats

Day 9: 100 squats

Day 10: 110 squats

Day 11: 120 squats

Day 12: 130 squats

Day 13: 140 squats

Day 14: REST DAY

Day 15: 150 squats

Day 16: 160 squats

Day 17: 170 squats

Day 18: 180 squats

Day 19: 190 squats

Day 20: 200 squats

Day 21: REST DAY

Day 22: 220 squats

Day 23: 230 squats

Day 24: 240 squats

Day 25: 250 squats

Day 26: 260 squats

Day 27: REST DAY

Day 28: 265 squats

Day 29: 270 squats

Day 30: 280-300 squats

As you can see, the final goal is 300 squats!!  Let’s do this! Who’s with me?

Yours in Good Health


***Edited 4/2 20:35: To perform a squat appropriately, you want to squat straight down (feet hips width apart) as if you are about to sit in a chair (think butt out) as far down as you can go keeping your balance and posture, then stand back up straight.  To maintain a straight upper body posture, you can put an exercise ball between your upper back and a wall, to make sure you are keeping your upper body straight! You can do reps of whatever works for you with 30 second breaks, if you so choose! I am just going straight through and I have added weights (but I do lunges and squats a few times a week anyways).  Good Luck and don’t forget to add pre/post pics on the April Squat Challenge Facebook page I have created!!

Beware of “Pneumonia Weather”!

I know that my Mom has many “mom-isms” (sayings that are specific to her), and growing up I believed these to be common knowledge or fact, which now I know that some were completely special to our family. But, to her credit, her declaration of “pneumonia weather” was based upon when I would get it (as I did as a child due to severe asthma) based upon different weather patterns and, by George, she was onto something! The number of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) going around right now are staggering. and for most of us in the US, it is “pneumonia weather”.  To be clear, while I am referring to it as “pneumonia weather”, as that is what my mom calls it, I am just referring to RTIs, which are the leading cause of people missing school and/or work annually.

RTIWhat is “pneumonia weather”?

It always chimes in the back of my head when I see people, who are real positive thinkers, wearing short-sleeved shirts in this cold weather in the end of March and beginning of April  because they feel like it should be warm, so they are pushing the limits, and really freezing in the high hopes that it will get warm, which it does in the middle of the day (with sun) then right back to cold. Now, it has nothing to do, per say, with being under dressed for the weather, it is more just a time when not only are humans confused but so is nature.  The allergens from the trees and flowers starting to bloom, mold spores from the old leaves from fall that are now seeing the light of day after our winter thaw, are all out in the air floating about, and people are getting outside more (which is great) to get more active as it is more tolerable to exercise outside now. But, that cooler air can still cause airways to become reactive, and add in the allergens (which no one ever thinks about this early in the season), add people starting to get in shape and exercise outside again, and you have the perfect setting for people to get RTIs, especially for those who are high risk: people with asthma (or other chronic lung diseases), seasonal allergy sufferers, smokers, the very young and old, those with weakened immune systems, and people with obesity.

*This “pneumonia weather” can also happen when the seasons change from summer to fall with leaves on the ground, mold spores in the air, and newer chilly weather outside.

What is a RTI?

A respiratory tract infection is any sort of virus that causes a response, in any part of the respiratory tract: nose, ears, throat, lungs.  So it can be an ear infection, a sore throat, a runny nose/sinus infection, bronchitis.   All of these are considered respiratory tract infections, as all (minus your ears) are a part of the system that our bodies use to breathe and/or to help filter out the air that we breathe before it gets into the lungs.  So, the more allergens in the air, the more we are breathing in, the higher the risk of a reaction, especially if you are someone prone to respiratory tract infections. RTIs if severe enough, along with a chronic disease and a lowered immune system, could lead to pneumonia.

How do I prevent it?

Follow the normal precautions that you take to prevent illness, such as eating a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, washing your hands frequently, and staying clear of people who are sick (says the nurse; but you all know what I mean, keep your distance if someone is actively showing signs of illness and coughing/sneezing everywhere, as best you can).  But on top of these measures, if you are someone who tends to suffer from seasonal allergies, start taking allergy medication early in the season, i.e. now, because even though the allergen levels aren’t through the roof, they are much more than we have been experiencing, so be aware of that and pay attention to your body. If you are just getting back into shape, ease into it and don’t over-train or over exert your body because on top of your body trying to recover from an increase in exercise and responding to that, if you are also exercising outdoors, you are adding all sorts of allergens too, which can make you more at risk to react to the allergens and get sick. There are some small claims that probiotics can help to prevent RTIs, so it is worth a try, if you are at risk!

If you do get an RTI, rest, drink fluids, eat a clean diet, and stay home from school/work so you don’t infect others.  While you feel miserable for a few days, only about 15% of them are actually bacterial infections, so they are usually viral and will clear up on their own.  If you have a high fever that won’t break, are not getting better, or have difficulty breathing, you should not hesitate to call your Healthcare Provider to get checked out….but don’t push for antibiotics, they will prescribe them if they are necessary 🙂

Stay healthy and enjoy spring!

Yours in Good Health


What to know before your next appointment with your Healthcare Practitioner

Have you ever gone in to your annual appointment, weeks before thinking that you want to ask your Healthcare Practitioner (HCP) various questions about your blood pressure, diet, a weird pain you get in your elbow, etc., but then you get there, leave, and remember an hour later what you wanted to ask? Even I have been there! It’s usually a little different on my end, because we do the medical check up chat, then catch up on people we know in common, yet I still forget to ask my questions. I also realize that I can usually just page or email my HCPs directly to get that quick question answered, whereas it is harder for patients to get in touch with their HCP many times to get the answers they wanted.  There are some things that you can do, to make sure that you are getting the most out of your appointment.

HCP questions
How can I prepare for my appointment?

– When you see various news topics, or read things that make you question your risk, write it down:

You might not always get a response call or email from your HCP right away, so if you are going in any way, you might as well ask, right?

– Call ahead and ask if they will want to have blood samples, and if any of them need to be fasting (i.e. no eating before)

Commonly to get accurate cholesterol levels, they should be checked when you haven’t eaten for 8 hours prior. There are some other tests that they may want to check on an empty stomach.

– Make a list of all medications and supplements (along with doses) that you take

You want to compare what you take, to what your HCP has in your record to make sure that everyone is on the same page.  Plus, you should let them know any food and/or medication allergies you might have.

– Bring a pad and pen

You want to make sure that you are writing down the answers to your questions, and you also want to write down what health advice your HCP gives you (perhaps some lifestyle changes, or a plan for treatment of blood pressure or that annoying elbow pain).  It’s easy to get nervous and forget what they said or remember the exact plan, and it can be overwhelming, so write it down and/or ask THEM to give you a copy of your treatment plan written down.

– Better yet, bring your healthcare proxy, family member, or friend

They can also help to process the treatment plan if you get anxious or nervous and tend to forget what your HCP says.  Plus, it is always helpful to have someone else’s perspective, right? Your guest can be a little more objective with the news or plan because the news isn’t about them.

What to do during your appointment:

– Make sure you ask all of your pressing health questions!

– Be honest with your symptoms, and if you have tried anything to alleviate them (or self treat) because it will help us to determine what might be going on, and give us a better idea for a treatment plan

– Make sure you tell us about your family history (cancer, cardiac disease, mental health, etc.)

– Tell your HCP if any other HCP has been treating you and why

– If tests are performed, ask when you might expect results and how they will let you know the results.

After your appointment: 

– Make sure you follow through with treatments

– Make note of any side effects from medications you may have started

– Call your HCP if your symptoms are getting worse or not improving

– Make a list of new questions you want to ask at your next appointment

Reading this, most people thing: Duh, these seem pretty obvious.  And they do, but we all live very fast paced lives, and I forget where my cell phone is (when it might be in my hand) so it is only natural that my mind goes blank when I’m trying to think of questions I was pondering a week ago! Write things down, read things back to your HCP to make sure that you are on the same page with a treatment plan and follow-up visits, and I promise it will make a world of difference!

Yours in Good Health


Home Treatments: Wart removal

Ah, the dreaded and unsightly wart. They can happen to anyone, at any time. I know that if you go to see an HCP, the will suggest getting it burned off in the office, but there are other options and some things that you can try at home to save yourself the co-pay and the time of getting to the office!

Why do we get warts?

All warts (which are flesh-colored, cauliflower like growths on the hands and feet) are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) when they occur in your genital region, it’s a different ballgame because they can be sexually transmitted, but warts that occur elsewhere on your body are usually not sexually transmitted, but you can get them through a cut, scrape or opening of the skin. For example, people who bite their cuticles (the skin around the nailed) a lot tend to get warts, mostly because we touch a lot of things with our hands daily, and with openings in the skin, you have the perfect source for infection. Usually, with a normally working immune system, your body will kill off the wart within a six-month timeframe (roughly) anyway, but for young children, older adults, and those with weakened immune systems due to chronic disease or medications that cause immunosuppression.


Neat.  How do I get rid of these warts faster?

If you are interested in the warts leaving sooner than your body might get rid of them, then here are some tricks that you can try at home:

*Please be certain that what you think is a wart, IS actually a wart, and if you are not sure, seek expert consultation.

Duct Tape: (This is based on a study in 2002 published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine which found a high rate of non-return of warts and fast removal) Place a piece of duct tape over the wart and leave it for 6 days, if it falls off then replace it. At the 6 day mark, soak the wart until it is soft and file with an emery board, then replace the duct tape. Repeat until the wart is gone.

Salicylic Acid: (sold commercially as Compound W or Dr. Scholl’s clear away and studies have found it to be just as effective as burning them off) You will need to soak the wart to soften the tissue to allow the medication to penetrate it; apply before bed at night and wash off in the morning, then reapply for the daytime. Once or twice a week, file the area with a pumice stone (or a nail file), but don’t use it on any other area as the active HPV cells could possibly infect another area. Repeat this process for however long it takes for the wart to disappear (can take 2-3 months).

Cryotherapy: (can be performed at your HCPs office, but now available for Over-the-Counter use as Dr. Scholl’s Freeze away) You combine two different chemicals onto an applicator, hold the applicator to the wart for around 20 seconds, then remove. The color of the wart will change, burn a bit, and the wart should fall off in 10 to 14 days.  If  it does not, then you can repeat the treatment.

**There are other methods such as using a banana peel or rubbing a bean against the wart to remove them, but there is no scientific proof that these methods work.

As I said earlier, you want to make sure that you are actually treating a wart, and use whatever method works for you. Obviously the duct tape method takes longer, but it is also a very cheap method to treat/remove warts. And the priciest and fastest method is the cryotherapy. Use whatever works for you, and if nothing you try is working, then you may have to go see your HCP for a more intense treatment.

Yours in Good Health


An Ease for Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness, which is kind of a misnomer as it can happen at any point during the day and may come and go sporadically, is very common during the first couple of months of pregnancy. Some people are able to dig deep and get through it because their symptoms are quite mild, whereas other people can have very severe nausea associated with their pregnancies.  For those with milder to moderate symptoms, a group of HCPs (Healthcare Practitioners) created Preggie Pops and Preggie Drops to help alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness.

PreggiepopsWhat are they made of?

These HCPs created the Preggie Pops using some alternative therapies based upon some accepted alternative therapies and some old wives tales. For example, they are made with a sour flavored base, as this has been handed down by generations of childbirth educators as a treatment for a sour stomach and to squelch a nauseous stomach. As well, they are made with mint and lavender which are aromatic and thought to promote relaxation (lavender) and aid in digestion (mint) along with ginger, which has long been known as a treatment for nausea, to help settle an irritated stomach lining. They are made with sugar, and sometimes nausea can start to occur in pregnancy when the blood sugar starts to get low, almost like a signal that you need to be eating some more because your body (and the baby) need nourishment, and because you are sucking on these pops/drops slowly, you are getting small amounts of sugar, instead of eating large quantities at one time, which totally makes sense!

Do they Work and are they Safe?

They have many testimonials stating that people have used them not only for morning sickness but also for nausea associated with surgery and other illnesses. But, they are a homeopathic treatment that is not FDA approved; they do not contain any drugs, but they are using homeopathic treatments that are untested. On their website they state that they are safe because they are all natural….there are many things that are all natural but they are not safe for your unborn child, or for you. So I urge people to take heed and caution, check with your HCP before using this product or any other for morning sickness/nausea associated with pregnancy, just to really make sure it is safe and you are under the care of an HCP, in case there are any side effects.

At the risk of your health, and your unborn child’s health, it is best to consult with an HCP before taking any sort of supplementation while pregnant.

Yours in Good Health


Can your Antibiotic cause an Untimely Death?

So many people know about the broadband antibiotic Azithromycin, also known as the Z-Pak, and many times people will call their Healthcare Practitioner (HCP) and ask for it by name. And over 55.3 million prescriptions were written for the Z-Pak last year alone! Not only is that a bad idea because using such a powerful antibiotic and not necessarily treating the appropriate organism can lead to antibiotic resistance organisms, but a new study is showing that the use of Z-Paks can also lead to heart arrhythmias, stroke, and death.

Z-PakWhat can happen?

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a study, showing that people who took the Z-Pak were more likely to die of a heart attack, stroke, sudden cardiac arrest, or an arrhythmia (abnormal beating of the heart) than those prescribed other antibiotics. The Z-Pak is used so much because there are less pills over a shorter period of time than other antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, and there are many people with penicillin allergies that cannot take amoxicillin, so there is an increased use, because patients may be more likely to actually take the medicine appropriately and for the prescribed amount of time. All Medicaid patients on the Z-Pak and other antibiotics from 1992 to 2006 were looked at, at it was found that those on the Z-Pak were 2.5% more likely to die than those on other antibiotics. And, certain patients had a 10% increase for risk of death. Unfortunately they are still looking into the exact mechanism that maybe causing certain patients to die, but they are still researching that further.

Am I at Risk?

Now just because this study came out, and you may be taking a Z-Pak to treat a bacterial infection, it does not mean that you are going to die! The subset of patients that had a higher risk of cardiac death had a history of cardiac disease and/or arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats) for various different reasons. So, while that particular reason is being studied, HCP’s need to ensure that they are utilizing the Z-Pak appropriately and when needed, and using more bacteria specific antibiotics, especially when patients have a cardiac history.  Also, it is important to only use antibiotics when you have a bacterial infection; many people go to their HCP in the throes of a viral infection and insist upon antibiotics, and clearly there are risks.

Trust your HCP that they will treat you with an antibiotic, if necessary, and realize that asking for a specific brand, may not be the most appropriate course of treatment, just because they have more advertisements! Asking for drugs by name, and pressuring your HCP for a specific treatment may not be the best thing for your health.  Seek treatment when necessary and have some faith that your HCP knows what is best!

Yours in Good Health


Nurse Bridgid featured on BlogHer.com

Hey all, please check out my lost on BlogHer.com and let me know what you think!



Give me Liberte….or nothing!

I do love yogurt, but after living in the UK and getting hooked on real life Greek yogurt, it was hard to come back to the states and get a yogurt that compared with the consistency and flavor.  Honestly, I was a total Chobani convert, as that was the closest I could find, and I like it.  It wasn’t quite the same, but it’s decently priced, full of probiotics, and delish, so I was a pretty happy girl. But a few weeks ago, on my trip up to the Natural Food Market that I have to travel to for my raw milk, I was perusing the aisles and looking for some new products, mostly because I’m a nerd and that’s what I like to do, and a yogurt brand I had never seen caught my eye.  I saw a brand called Liberté, which is not local to me in New England, but from Colorado, and from a smaller company, as opposed to the larger corporations that usually sell yogurts nationally.  Of course I bought it in every flavor to give it a try!

LIBERTE What is Liberté?

It is a small family owned company that began in Montreal, Canada in 1936 as a kosher dairy farm and in the 1980’s changed their focus to yogurt, but still only using pure, clean ingredients, to make a pure product.  They now produce out of Colorado, and use only dairy products that are antibiotic and hormone free, certified, and from local resources. Plus, they do not use anything artificial at all in their products; their cultures are specific to their product and all yogurts are hand-processed. They use skim milk and real fruit, which makes this yogurt not only 100% real, but 100% amazing. It is almost decadent how delicious it is, and for 130 calories with 0 fat per serving? I’m sold! It truly has a perfect texture, so much like the Greek yogurt from Greece, and it just tastes so fresh.  Each flavor was really yummy, of course they have plain, but they also have five others: blackberry, blueberry, lemon, peach and passion fruit, and strawberry.  The price was slightly more than the large corporation equivalent, but for getting a pure and clean product, it’s totally worth it to me!  I must say, I am a huge fan of Greek yogurt, but they also make a Mediterranean yogurt that has a thinner consistency for those of you who don’t dig the Greek.

To clarify, I am in no way sponsored by Liberté, I just like to bring to you healthy products that are made in the freshest, healthiest, and least processed way.  Plus, supporting smaller companies that use local resources for their products is something that I feel very strongly about; if you know where your products come from, the better your chances of getting products that are clean without fillers or anything else not listed!

Give Liberté a try, and see if you can taste a difference form your regular yogurt. I have made the switch, and love every second of it! Go out and get some.

Yours in Good Health


Refocus and Trim the Fat From Your Life

I had a bit of an epiphany, as a good friend was helping me pack up and start the process to move into my new home soon: you need to trim the fat from your life. Now, in the past few years, due to various life circumstances, I have moved approximately every two years, so while I should totally be used to the process, I’m not.  I am never prepared for moves. I get anxious about having to pack, so I stare at my boxes a few days before finally kicking it  into high gear. But this time was a little different, I made a date with a friend who offered to help, we made a plan, and we attacked.

getting it done!After she left, with boxes piled high, and me getting ready to dig deep and live off of reusable plastic plates for a little while, it left only the things visible that we put in piles. We left a trash heap that was stuff I held onto that could be trashed (or recycled…just out of my house), and then there were the piles of stuff I needed to go through. Ugh. The things I need to go through is stuff I totally know I need to go through but just haven’t because I am dreading it. Why? I have no idea.  Now, I am not a hoarder by any means, but I have my box of important paperwork, and next to it, my pile of things that may be important but I just haven’t felt like going through them. So tonight, I did! And I feel amazing. I accomplished my goal of packing, and only kept the most important things, and now I have rid my life of the excess. And dealt with a bunch of things head on that I haven’t wanted to.

Physically I have trimmed the fat out of the boxes, but I also feel like this was emotionally a huge hurdle; I cut ties from my past, and now I can look forward, to my new life, in my new home.  Totally fresh and a real new start.

It got me thinking though, that I have done this at various times in my life, that I have felt that I have held onto “friends” or kept people in my life that cause anxiety/drama/stress so I try to keep them at arm’s length, maybe because of our past I feel I need to hold onto some semblance of a relationship, but it has become toxic. There have been a couple of those people in my life recently, that I have moved on from. While it is always sad to lose a relationship of any sort, it was also so cathartic. Much like throwing out some of the stuff I have been holding onto that I don’t need, getting the negative and toxic relationships out of my life has made me feel infinitely better, instantly happier, and so much more positive in every aspect of my life.

Every two years, you should re-evaluate and re-focus your life. I am not encouraging everyone to cut out everyone they are having a tiff with in their lives, but I am just thinking about ways that we can all make our lives simpler, happier, and easier. Whether it is ditching the project that you started and never finished that causes you to stress every now and again (or just getting the gumption to finish it up), or go out on a limb and do something that you’ve been wanting to try, starting that eating healthy kick, or surround yourself with positivity: trim the fat. Get the extra stuff out of your way that is preventing you from doing what is good for you, or what you want to do.  You are the only person who can make the right choices in your life to get you where you want to be; you are the master of your destiny.

Think positive.  Live positive. Be positive.

Yours in Good Health