Sitting can kill you???

An interesting study looking at 53, 440 men and 69,776 women was recently published and it had some shocking results related to the increased risk of death specifically related to SITTING!  They were looking at the amount of time people spend sitting outside of work, i.e. on their leisure time, either watching TV, reading, napping, etc.
It was a 14 year study, by the American cancer society, and it found that people who sit 6 hours or more in their leisure time are at a much higher risk than people who only sit 3 hours or less.   The results were more detrimental for women, but still affected both sexes, and the main risk of death was related to heart disease.
The results found that, of the people who sat 6 hours or more (and weight, age, history of smoking was all taken into account):
-Increased the death rate by about 40% in women
-Increased the death rate by about 20% in men
-Increased the death rate by 94% in the least active women
    -Increased the death rate by 48% in the least active men
Granted, the study was looking at people aged 55-76, BUT the results are still the same.  If you have loved ones 55 and older, get them outside to walk or take them on different adventures, it will not only give them something to do and make their life more exciting, but extend their lives as well.  I also think that it is a good thing for all of us to think about that on our time off, we should try and be a little more active than just going for our daily workouts then thinking that its OK if we sit around all day, clearly it is detrimental for our lives long-term, and it is better to be in a healthy habit then to try and force one at an older age.  Make movement a part of your daily life and try to cut down on just sitting in front of the TV vegging out!

So, encourage friends, family, and loved one to get out there and get moving, its good for everyone!
Yours in Good Health

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