Tick Repellents for Humans and Dogs: Made at Home!

After writing about Lyme Disease and the transmission, I thought that I should also share some alternative tick repellents that you can make at home that are chemical free, as opposed to those that are costly, based off of chemicals, and can be ruin your clothes….and get all over the house (especially with pets!!) Here are a few tick repellents that you can make at home, and these primarily are for ticks and may/may not prevent against fleas and mosquitos, but so worth the few minutes it will take you to make them to ward off nasty ticks! These can be used on their own (a few drops between your dogs shoulder blades and at the base of the tail can ward off ticks for the days adventure, and a few drops around your ankles, inside your wrists, and behind your ears, will not only smell good but can prevent those nasty ticks from hopping onto you and biting your skin) OR mixed and placed in a spray bottle with 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of water and add about 20 drops of these oils:

1. Rose Geranium Oil: a natural tick repellent, do not use on cats, but dogs and humans can have at it!

2. Eucalyptus Oil: relaxing and refreshing, eucalyptus oil can also naturally ward off ticks and fleas.

3. Peppermint and Citrus Oils: When mixed together, it gives off a very clean but intense scent that can ward off ticks. TickRepellent

These oils mixed with the vinegar/water solution can be sprayed on hair, clothes, and skin, of humans (adults and children alike) to repel ticks and can be reapplied liberally.  You can also spray on your dogs, I would check with a vet before using any of these on pregnant animals (I am obviously an animal lover but it’s not my area of expertise!) The oil and essential oils cut the vinegar smell for us, but the ticks can still smell it and they will be repelled. You can also add the essential oils just to an oil base (almond or olive oil) but there is a risk that you can ruin clothes, so stick to just spraying your hair and skin (and beware of nut allergies with children- so if you use on your animals, make sure to warn people before letting their children pet your animals!)

Give it a try, it is way better than putting chemicals all over your family, and furry family members too!

Yours in Good Health


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  1. Pingback: Lyme Disease: What you need to know Nurse Bridgid

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